Associated railway vehicles:
Registration number: 1263
Railway company: CIWL - The International Sleeping-Car and European Great Expresses Company
Registration country: Belgium
Registration number: 1269
Railway company: CIWL - The International Sleeping-Car and European Great Expresses Company
Registration country: Belgium
Also known as: WPC2 38 4091 - 4110, Pullman
Registration number: 4091
Railway company: CIWL - The International Sleeping-Car and European Great Expresses Company
Registration country: Belgium
Also known as: Pullman
Registration number: 4114
Railway company: CIWL - The International Sleeping-Car and European Great Expresses Company
Registration country: Belgium
Also known as: Pullman
Registration number: 4148
Railway company: CIWL - The International Sleeping-Car and European Great Expresses Company
Registration country: Belgium
Also known as: Type "Côte d'Azur"
Registration number: 4131
Railway company: CIWL - The International Sleeping-Car and European Great Expresses Company
Registration country: Belgium
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