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In service:
from 1964
Built by:
Length over buffers (mm):
26'400 mm
Height (mm | over lowered pantograph):
4'260 mm
Tare weight (t):
52 t*
*n° 4701 - 4740 & 4761 - 4808
55 t*
*n° 4741 - 4760 & 4809 - 4868
type L*
*n° 4701 - 4737 & 4741 - 4775
type M Minden*
*n° 4738 - 4740 & 4776 - 4868
Compartments (compartments / attendant compartment):
12x compartments
Number of beds / compartment (beds / folding beds):
3x beds/compartment*
*type MU
2x beds/compartment*
*type M
Total number of beds (beds / folding beds):
36x beds*
*type MU
24x beds*
*type M
Train heating (electric / steam):
heating oil by forced air
Air conditioning (yes / no):
*only for units n° 4741 - 4760 & 4809 - 4868
Other equipments (video surveillance / internal passenger information system):
110 V fluorescent lighting
Display registration numbers


A total of 168x units are built between 1964 and 1972 in several batches:
- units n° 4701 - 4740, type MU*, built by Brissonneau & Lotz in 1964;
- units n° 4741 - 4760, type M**, built by Fiat;
- units n° 4761 - 4775, type MU*, built by Fiat between 1964 and 1965;
- units n° 4776 - 4805, type MU*, built by Waggon- und Maschinenbau Donauwörth;
- units n° 4806 - 4808, type MU*, built by Fiat;
- units n° 4809 - 4820, type MU*, built by Fiat;
- units n° 4821 - 4868, type MU*, built by Fiat.

* MU stands for "Modern" & "Universal".
** M type coaches have two beds per compartment, compared with three beds per compartment for MU type coaches.

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Latest update on the 29th of October 2022 at 13:08

Contributor(s): Tudor C.

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