Various companies procured pressurized gas tank wagons to supply companies and private households with liquid gas for heating. Since gas pipelines were not yet nationwide until the 1980s, gas storage facilities were preferred in rural areas, which were delivered by rail and liquid gases such as propane or butane were delivered to households by truck. In groups of wagons or as individual wagons, the pressurized gas tank wagons, which were initially yellow and orange from the late 1960s, can be found in many freight trains on main and branch lines. In the early 1960s, gray-white or pebble gray increasingly prevailed over the previously common iron gray. Most four-axle designs had what is known as bottom drainage, i.e. the flanges and valves are located in the area of ​​the boiler bottom. In the Zag type it is coded that the vehicle is a tank car (Z) with four or more sets of wheels (a) for compressed, liquefied or pressurized gases (g).

The wagons from this series are manufactured by the Uerdingen wagon factory and are mainly sold to wagon rental companies such as Eisenbahnverkehr A.G. EVA (EVA, which was later merged into VTG, was a partner in the manufacturing plant).

The comparatively large roof overhang with the radially tapering spacer plates was characteristic of the Uerdingen wagons with attached sun protection roofs. The central manhole on the non-handbrake face was common in new buildings until around the mid-1960s.  

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Latest update on the 10th of July 2022 at 16:37

Contributor(s): Tudor C.

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