France: BB 67200 "67201 - 67280"

Railway companies: SNCF - French National Railway Company

Display registration numbers


Between 1980-2004, 80x BB 67200 units are built from previous BB 67000 units.

These units are intended for French high-speed lines, either for works or for pulling defective TGVs.



January 1st

On January 1st, 1999, a prefix has been added to the registration number to distinguish locomotives based on type of activity to which they are assigned (followed by a 0 if the previous number had only 4 digits):
- 1: major routes
- 2: intercity
- 4: freight
- 5: regional express trains
- 6: infrastructure
- 7: responsible for the routing of empty equipment, under reparation or written off
- 8: Ile de France region


Latest update on the 8th of December 2019 at 16:01

Contributor(s): Tudor C.

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