Italy: Ale 054 M1 + M2

Also known as: ALe + Le 054

Railway companies: GTT - Transport Group Torino, SATTI - Public Company for Inter-municipal Transport Torino


Units AM54 058, 061 and 099 & AM55 529 are acquired from Belgium National Railway Company (SNCB NMBS) and are initially registered as ALe + Le 054 (as "Le" in the Italian system refers to towed units and in this case both units are motorised, this was later corrected and the new registration was ALe 054 M1 + M2).



After a thorough overhaul (refurbishment of the cases and interiors, the shifting of the driver's bench to the left, the replacement of the front windows and the replacement of the lights and numerous other modifications), units enter into service in 1994 as units 01 - 04.


Latest update on the 24th of December 2019 at 18:46

Contributor(s): Tudor C.

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