HO (1:87)

2nd class couchette coach, DR

2nd class couchette coach type Bcme of the railway company of the German Democratic Republic (Deutsche Reichsbahn).

Complete new construction in the scale 1:87!

- Model of the type Bautzen with true to original roof, modified front and entry areas
- Model features partially closed curtain replicas on the windows
- Freestanding handles
- Buffer beams suitable for later mounting
- With true to original interior furnishing

The name of the coaches is derived from its production facility, the Reichsbahnausbesserungswerk (Raw) Halberstadt. In the 1980s, the production of an express train corridor coach without air conditioning based on the UIC-Z specifications got started.

The new coaches were painted in the green and beige livery of the DR, as became normal for all express train coaches from the mid-1980s on. When not used in express trains on the lines of the German Democratic Republic, the coaches were also often found on transit and international trains.

First announced: 1st Quarter 2019

Roco 74804

EAN code: 9005033748043
Recommended retail price: 64.90 €
2-rail (direct current - DC)
Interior lighting kit
With interior fittings
Length over buffers
303 mm
Replacement wheel set for 3-rail (alternating current - AC)
Coupler pocket and short coupling cinematic (NEM)

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