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The 140x units from this series are built between 1959 and 1961 by:
- Schweizerische Wagons- und Aufzügefabrik Schlieren (SWS): units B 6901 - 6937 in 1959, units B 6938 - 6940 in 1960, units B 6941 - 6970 in 1961;
- Schindler Waggon Pratteln (SWP): units B 6971 -7021 in 1960 and units B 7022 - 7040 in 1961.  

Sources: https://www.bahnforum.ch/index.php/Thread/28045-SBB-CFF-EW-I-Passagierwagen-Nummer-Geschichte/?pageNo=1

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Latest update on the 17th of January 2021 at 12:05

Contributor(s): Tudor C.

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