France: Vru 88-80 111 - 168 "Gril Express"

UIC / EVN numbering: 51 87 88-80, 51 87 88-70, 61 87 88-90, 61 87 88-70

Railway companies: SNCF - French National Railway Company

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Following the transformation in 1966 of two CIWL restaurant coaches (VR 56 3670 & 3676) as self-service restaurant coaches Vr 88-70 101 - 102, the French National Railway Company (SNCF) decide to order in 1967 20x new restaurant coaches to De Dietrich Ferroviaire in Reichshoffen. The initial order is followed by additional units in 1968 and 1969 and by 1973 a total of 58x units are delivered.


Initially delivered without air conditioning, these units are equipped between 1983 and 1988.

During the same period, some coaches are upgraded for a maximum speed of 200 km/h and receive new registration 61 87 88-90 111 - 168 while units with a maximum speed of 160 km/h receive new registration 51 87 88-70 111 - 168.


Latest update on the 9th of October 2022 at 17:22

Contributor(s): Tudor C.

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