Italy: WLABm 72-71

UIC / EVN numbering: 61 83 72-71, 71 83 72-71

Railway companies: FS - Italian State Railways, TI - Trenitalia

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These units enter service in 1981. A total of 91x units are built.

NB: even if the units are directly delivered to the Italian State Railways, they were also provided with CIWL numbers 4869 - 4959.



January 1st

Originally these carriages are marked WLABm 71 83 72-71 763/853 (in which the initial figure "71" indicated that these cars were exercised jointly by the "Pool TEN") and after 01.01.1994 (date of termination of the "Pool TEN") they became 61 83 72-71 763/853 (in which the figure "61" indicated that the cars are suitable for international circulation with a special rate of carriage).

Latest update on the 11th of November 2023 at 18:12

Contributor(s): Tudor C.

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