Hide technical details
In service:
from 1965
Built by:
Standard gauge (1'435 mm)
Wheel arrangement:
Electric systems:
25 kV AC / 50 Hz
Current collectors:
Pantograph - Symmetrical
Pantograph - Asymmetrical
N° of pantographs:
Length over buffers (mm):
19'800 mm
Width (mm):
3'000 mm
Height (mm | over lowered pantograph):
4'500 mm
Tare weight (t):
120 t
Axle load (t):
20 t
Power output (x'xxx kW / x'xxx hp):
5'100 kW
6'800 hp
Driving wheel diameter (x'xxx,xx | mm | new / worn):
1'250 mm
Maximum speed (km/h):
120 km/h

Display registration numbers


June 9th

After the electrification of the Predeal - Brasov section is finalised in 1963, a comparative testing takes place on the newly electrified section to choose the best option for the future electric locomotives to be used by the Romanian Railways - CFR. This 26 km line is the perfect testing environment: ramps between 17‰ and 23‰ with short stretches up to 27‰ and numerous tight curves.

Four European manufacturers take part in these trials and a total of six locomotives are tested:
- Alstom (France) presents 2x BB 12000 locomotives, units BB 12131 and BB 12141;
- ASEA (Sweden) presents 2x Rb 1 prototypes, units 1001 and 1002;
- Škoda (Czechoslovakia) presents 1x S 479.0 prototype, unit E479.002;
- VEB Lokomotivbau Elektrotechnische Werke "Hans Beimler" presents 1x prototype.

At the end, the Romanian Railways - CFR officials decide to sign a contract with ASEA (Sweden) for the delivery of 10x complete locomotives and parts for another 28x locomotives to be built in Romania. The locomotives on order are different from the Rb 1 prototypes: they will be 6 axles in a Co'-Co' configuration with maximum power of 5400 kW. These units will be designated as series 060-EA.

NB: More information about the electrification of the Brasov to Bucharest section can be found in a dedicated article: Electrification of the Romanian railways.  



At the end, the Romanian Railways - CFR officials decide ASEA from Sweden as the winner and in April 1964 a contract is signed between the two parties for the delivery of 10x complete locomotives and the electric apparatus for another 28x locomotives that are to be built in Romania, under ASEA license. The Romanian company chosen to take charge of the general assembly (and also for the production of additional mechanical and electrical parts) is Electroputere Craiova, already the manufacturer for the 060-DA 2'100 hp diesel-electric locomotives.

The locomotive ordered by the Romanian Railways - CFR is different from the Rb 1 prototypes: it is a 6 axles Co'-Co' with a maximum power of 5'400 kW and rheostatic braking. On the other hand, the electrical part is typical of ASEA: AC - DC conversion with silicone diodes and high voltage configuration for the electric traction motors.

Locomotives are delivered with symmetric ASEA pantographs type LLXJN 135, pneumatically operated.  

Sources: "060-EA locomotive - 40 years from the first electric locomotive produced in Romania" (2010 - Mircea Dorobantu), http://www.le-rail.ch/text/projekt52.htm, https://www.railcolor.net/index.php?nav=1000006&id=3647&action=dview, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Electroputere_LE5100


The first locomotive, registered 060-EA-001, is delivered at the end of 1965 and the first trials start on December 9th.

In 1966, 8x new locomotives are delivered:
- 7x units registered 060-EA-001 to 008 have the maximum speed of 120 km/h;
- 1x unit, delivered as 060-EA-009, has a maximum speed of 160 km/h and will be classified as 060-EA1 (later on Class 41), as it will be the case for all electric locomotives from this series capable of reaching this maximum speed.

One year later, in 1967, the last unit from the initial batch is delivered with an experimental electric apparatus different from the other units and is registered as Class 060-EB.  

Concerns registration number(s): 060-EA-001, 060-EA-002, 060-EA-003, 060-EA-004, 060-EA-005, 060-EA-006, 060-EA-007, 060-EA-008, 060-EA-009

Sources: "060-EA locomotive - 40 years from the first electric locomotive produced in Romania" (2010 - Mircea Dorobantu)


Between 1967 and 1994, Electroputere Craiova delivered 1082 units:
- 932 units for CFR (Romanian railways);
- 103 units for JZ (Yugoslavian railways);
- 45 units for BDZ (Bulgarian railways);
- 2 prototypes for China railways.  

Sources: "060-EA locomotive - 40 years from the first electric locomotive produced in Romania" (2010 - Mircea Dorobantu)


February 16th

The electrification of the last section between Bucharest to Ploiesti of the Bucharest - Brasov railway line is completed in 1969 and on February 16th, 1969, the first passenger train towed by electric locomotive 060-EA-021 leaves Bucharest Nord railway station.


060-EA-247, delivered to Brasov depot in the spring of 1976, is the first 060-EA locomotive to be fitted with asymmetric pantographs as an experiment.

The following units (060-EA-248 - 266) are still delivered with the initial symmetric pantographs and only starting with unit 060-EA-267 the use of asymmetric pantographs is generalised.  


Unit 40-0550-0 is completely destroyed during a fire in Copșa Mică (Romania) in 1988. Following this accident, unit 40-0016-2 will receive registration 40-0550-02.  

Concerns registration number(s): 40-0016-2, 40-0550-0

Sources: http://cfristoriesicotidian.ro/istoria-locomotivelor-partea-2/


August 21st

On August 21st, 1990, at 7h47, unit 060-EA-001, while pulling the Rapid 24 express train - second part*, on the Sighisoara - Brasov section, collides head-on with 80-0601-7 diesel locomotive between Augustin and Apata stations at kilometre 218-900.

The accident is due to serious violations of the regulations and service instructions. Mr Emil Rotaru, employee of the Augustin station in charge of railway traffic management, decides to send 80-0601-7 diesel locomotive on the main railway line, using the second of the two lines, to Ormenis stop as a ride for the cashier of Augustin station who finished her shift and had no other means of transportation. The diesel locomotive is driven by mechanic Trif Sorin, 37 years old, and assistant mechanic Ghimes Cosmin, 23 years old. They accepted the mission without a running order.

After falsely communicating to his colleague from Apata station that "he has to manoeuvre a convoy of wagons and will exceed the station limit", Emil Rotaru registers the course on the light diagram and dispatches the diesel locomotive. Soon after, he leaves his desk to go to the toilet and on the way back he stops to chat with acquaintances and forgets all about the dispatched locomotive.

During this time, another employee, Ms Sylvester Edith, takes charge of traffic management despite the fact that she is not authorised to do so.

As Rapid 24 is approaching Augustin station, where it is intended to pass non-stop to Apata station, Ms Sylvester Edith, after receiving the consignment note from Racos station, authorises the convoy to continue its route on the second line, although she saw that the third block sector to Apata station is occupied (but assumed erroneously that there is another train going towards Apata station). Rapid 24 passes through Augustin station and leaves it with a yellow signal triggered by the automatic line section management system that detected the occupied sector further ahead. The mechanic slows the convoy down to 90 km/h.

During this time, the 80-0601-7 diesel locomotive, after dropping off the cashier at the Ormenis stop, heads back at maximum speed (around 95 km/h) to Augustin station, also on the second line, the same line on which Rapid 24 is now fast approaching. In addition, so as not to be slowed down by the automatic line section management system (BLA - "Bloc de Linie Automat") and the red signals triggered by the system, the mechanics cut it off inside the diesel locomotive (normally, the diesel locomotive should have stopped at every signal with the possibility to continue its route at a maximum speed of 15 km/h).

The frontal collision is inevitable. The mechanics on the 060-EA-001 electric locomotive are the first to notice the other locomotive fast approaching on the same line from the opposite direction. They initiate the emergency braking procedure, disconnect the pantograph and the locomotive circuit breaker and take refuge in the engine room. They manage to reduce the train speed by about 30 km/h before impact, at around 60 km/h. With delay, the mechanics of the diesel locomotive also notice the express train in front of them and initiate the emergency braking procedure but due to the small distance between the two railway vehicles, the impact can no longer be avoided.

As a result of this serious accident, both mechanics of the diesel locomotive are killed while the mechanics on the electric locomotive are only slightly injured. Among the passengers, two women and a little girl are injured, all three sited in the first wagon of the express train.

Mr Emil Rotaru and Ms Sylvester Edith, the employees of the Augusting railway station, are found guilty of causing the accident and are sentenced to prison.

The diesel locomotive is declared a total loss and is scrapped on the accident site.

060-EA-001 electric locomotive is transported to Brasov depot with the intention to be repaired, but the damage is too extensive and is also scrapped at a later date, with components being used as parts for other electric locomotives of the same series.

In 1991, as a tribute to 060-EA-001, it is initially intended to move the number plates and re-number unit 060-EB-001, at the time being reconfigured as a Class 41 electric locomotive by Electroputere Craiova, but finally this unit enters service at Brasov depot with registration 41-0931-0.

Another locomotive, unit 41-0931-0 (the before last new locomotive to be delivered by Electroputere Craiova to Romanian State Railways - CFR in 1991) receives at Brasov depot the registration plates 41-0001-2 (the locomotive is spotted in 1994 in Brasov railway station ).

After a few years, registration 41-0001-2 will be re-attributed to unit 41-0009-5 (initially registered 060-EA-009, the 9th unit from the first batch of 10x units delivered by ASEA between 1965 and 1967) as the registration numbers are switched between the two locomotives.

*Due to high affluence or delays caused by very long journeys, some passenger services benefited from two or more consists covering totally or partially the initial route. For example, as D 262/263 "Orient Express" from Bucharest to Wien used to register delays of several hours, a second consist from Hungary, D 11262, ran in front in order to respect the initial schedule. In France, in the 1960s and 1970s, the "night Capitole" between Paris Austerlitz and Toulouse Matabiau had on Fridays up to five different consists in order to meet the high demand. In Germany many express trains ("D-Züge") were preceded by a train covering the same journey ("Vorzug") roughly 15 minutes before and followed by another train ("Nachzug") approximately 15 minutes after.  

Sources: "060-EA locomotive - 40 years from the first electric locomotive produced in Romania" (2010 - Mircea Dorobantu), https://trenuletz.forumz.ro/t1048p105-060-ea-001, https://forum.lokomotiv.ro/threads/tren-rapid-nr-24-partea-a-doua.15423/


Starting in 1999, 24 locomotives from Class 40 and Class 41 series are modernised at Electroputere Craiova in collaboration with Siemens. The modernised locomotives are registered as Class 45.  

Sources: "060-EA locomotive - 40 years from the first electric locomotive produced in Romania" (2010 - Mircea Dorobantu)


Around the year 2000, locomotive 40-0079 was converted to run on 15 kV 16.7 Hz AC current for the German railway network and was sold to KEG - Karsdorfer Eisenbahngesellschaft where it got designation KEG 7001.  


After being sold to KEG - Karsdorfer Eisenbahngesellschaft and registered as KEG 7001 and afterwards to STAB - Svensk Tågkraft from Sweden where it was designated as EL 5100.001, 40-0079 returns to Romania after beeing bought by Vest Trans Rail.

The locomotive retrieves its initial technical state and registration number and gets a new livery from its current owner. It's back in regular service before the end of the year .  

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Latest update on the 21st of August 2021 at 15:24

Contributor(s): Tudor C.

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