Switzerland: A 18-34 002 - 024

Also known as: Unified cars III (Einheitswagen - EW III / Voitures unifiées - VU III)

UIC / EVN numbering: 50 63 18-34, 50 85 18-34

Railway companies: BLS - Bern-Lötschberg-Simplon Railway

Display registration numbers


The 11x units from this series are ex A 18-34 002, 003, 010, 011, 014, 018 & 020-024 1st class passenger coaches bought from the Swiss Federal Railways - SBB CFF FFS in 2004.

Initially registered A 50 63 18-34 002 - 024 (with gaps as these coaches keep their initial number), after the introduction of national vehicle registers as a replacement for the UIC number and the replacement of the two-digit owner code (in this classification: 63 for BLS) with the two-digit country code (in the new classification: 85 for Switzerland), these vehicles receive new registration A 50 85 18-34 002 - 024 (with gaps as these coaches keep their initial number).

Sources: https://nl.wikipedia.org/wiki/BLS_EW_III, https://www.wikiwand.com/en/Reporting_mark

Latest update on the 16th of February 2020 at 14:11

Contributor(s): Tudor C.

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